Honors News and Updates: September 22, 2023
Fall's in full swing, and we've got some exciting new things going on at SF Honors.
The New Honors Newsletter
If you’re here, then you know we’ve got a whole new Newsletter that is easier to access than ever. You can stay on top of all the SF Honors news by clicking the “Subscribe Now” button. Then, scroll down for all the updates.
Hope you’re having a great Friday!
In addition to our new newsletter, today we’re also announcing the Honors Student Council, where you and your peers can shape the future of the Honors Program at SF. We’ve also got some great scholarship opportunities, academic success workshops, and excellent ways to give back to your community—including raising awareness for suicide prevention. Remember, each of these involvements is also a way to earn Honors Points and work toward your Honors Diploma.
Table of Contents
News from Past Weeks
This Week in Honors:
Share your voice: Join the Honors Student Council!
Today, I'm excited to announce a new SF Honors Initiative—the formation of an SF Honors Student Council. Shared governance is key to the success of an honors program, as engaged, creative, and high-achieving learners guide its mission, goals, and future. In this leadership role, SF Honors Student Council members will work in collaboration with Honors faculty to develop its curriculum, community, and learning opportunities. If you are interested in joining the Honors Student Council, just reach drop a comment below or email me at ryan.keith@sfcollege.edu. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with SF faculty, participate in shaping the future of the program, and support your fellow Honors students.
There’s still time to join a study group!
A couple of weeks ago, I sent out a poll asking who would be interested in joining an Honors study group focused on one or more classes that they’re enrolled in. I got dozens of responses for all kinds of classes and a few days ago sent out emails to connect students and invite them to form study groups. If you missed that update or didn’t get a chance to complete the survey, don’t worry—there’s still time to join! Just drop a comment below or reply to this email letting me know you’d like to join one and I’ll hook you up with some other great SF Honors students.
Santa Fe News and Events
SHP Host Student-Success Workshop Series
Learn how to study for your Exams! Join us for one of the 1 hour sessions. No registration or RSVP is required.
UF College of Public Health and Health Professions Transfer Info Presentations
Throughout this academic year, we are offering four presentations via Zoom prior to our application deadline of February 1st, 2024. All presentations will include specific information for transfer applicants. Advisors are welcome to attend, and feel free to send this invitation to any relevant party. Our first presentation will be Tuesday, October 3rd from 3:00-4:00pm. Attendees must register to attend. Attached are flyers (pdf and png options) for further student distribution (attachments contain QR codes instead of the zoom registration links below).
Upcoming UF PHHP Transfer Information Presentations
Tuesday, October 3rd at 3:00p.m. to 4:00p.m. https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkcOyrrzkqHdSruTbTpltnZaDrFw3XhZT2
Wednesday, November 15th 4:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpf-2trDkqGtNamZFrCt1YsMTmFTW9nZNE
Tuesday, December 12th at 11:00a.m. to noon https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkd-yuqDwuEtYX-xLUadRXLUnREIs3x91j
Tuesday, January 16th at 3:00pm to 4:00pm https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYqdO-qpj8uG9W1176BGjzA-46yq9a6vRpE
Have questions or feedback?
Put them in the comments or reply to this email.
GRU “Brighter Tomorrow” Scholarships
Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) is offering three “Brighter Tomorrow” scholarships for current and prospective Santa Fe College students who have selected engineering (or an engineering-related field) as their program of study.
The scholarships are valued at $1000 per year for up to four years. The first disbursement of funds are in Fall of each academic year.
To be eligible for this scholarship, students must:
Have graduated from an Alachua County public high school or be a college bound senior attending a public high school within the greater Gainesville Area (Alachua County)
Be planning to enroll at or already be enrolled at Santa Fe College (SF) in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics) program
Be planning to continue with a Santa Fe College (SF) bachelor's program in STEM after earning an A.A. or A.S. degree from SF, or be planning to transfer to the University of Florida (UF), Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) or another historically black college or university (HBCU) at the end of two years.
Be a member of an underrepresented demographic
Be able to demonstrate financial need
Volunteer, Internship, Community, and Research Opportunities
Textile Workshop: Wellbeing Research Study
The Harn Museum of Art is hosting a series of free textile workshops as part of a wellbeing research study with artist Jennifer McCloskey. Participation includes a gallery tour, sewing supplies and instruction and refreshments. Enrollment is open to campus and community members over the age of 18. Registration is required and attendance is limited to 15 participants per workshop.
Alachua County Public Schools Seeking Paid Social-Work Interns
Through our Title IX McKinney-Vento Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth Grant, we require several social work/behavioral health students to assist in serving our most vulnerable population in regard to mental health services. Paid interns will work directly with ACPS students and our social workers to help provide these services.
If you are interested in learning more, email honors@sfcollege.edu.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention Events
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is hosting a couple of excellent events aimed at supporting our local community and mental health awareness. Look below for information on dates, times, and who to contact for more information.
Pre-Professional Opportunities
Pre-Health & Pre-Vet
UF Medical Honors Program Info Session
Are you interested in learning more about the Medical Honors Program and the upcoming admission cycle?
If the answer is yes, please consider joining us for the Fall Information Session hosted at the College of Medicine, Harrell Medical Education Building, Room 135 on Thursday, October 12, 2023 from 6pm – 7:30 p.m.
You will have the opportunity to hear from MHP Director – Dr. Peter Sayeski, PhD; MHP Assistant Director – Daressa Hope; Pre Health Advisors & MHP Liaisons - Roberta Knickerbocker & Brittany Hoover as well as members from the new MHP cohort! A virtual (zoom) option is available for participants who are unable to join us it in person.
Registration for the Medi-Gators Virtual Shadowing Program is now Open
(Virtual Shadowing earns 5 CHEs for each virtual experience or 30 CHEs for the Medi-Gator Certificate.)
This semester, participants have the opportunity to shadow 40 healthcare professionals within a wide-array of health careers and specialties (including veterinary medicine) via zoom, meaning you can earn up to 40 virtual shadowing hours and a certificate, as well as potential opportunities for mentorship, research, in-person shadowing, and more. Virtual shadowing begins on September 22nd and ends on November 8th.
If you have any questions or if you'd like to learn more, please visit our website or email medigators@health.ufl.edu.
UF Mobile Outreach Clinic is opening applications to new volunteers
The UF Mobile Outreach Clinic is opening applications to new volunteers on Monday, September 25th. The UF Mobile Outreach Clinic travels daily to different medically underserved communities in Alachua County. We provide education and free, flexible primary care services including women's health visits, work/school physicals, and specialty referrals. Often, our patients belong to marginalized and minority populations; MOC seeks volunteers who can provide culturally competent and sensitive care to each unique patient.
Application Requirements:
Commit to three consecutive semesters at MOC (while being a student) - Spring 2024, Summer 2024, Fall 2024
Tentative Spring 2024 Schedule
If invited for an interview, must be available on the interview dates listed on the application
Mock Law School Admissions Panel
Whether you are in the law school application process now or thinking of applying to law school in the future, this event can help you learn first-hand from five law school admissions professionals about the components of the law school application and things they consider in making admission decisions beyond just the numbers. Come prepared to participate in an engaging discussion considering all aspects of the law school application (LSAT, GPA, letters of recommendation, personal statements, resume, addenda etc.) and discuss how decisions are made.
The session will be led by admissions professionals from:
SMU Dedman School of Law
University of Arizona College of Law
South Texas College of Law
University of Mississippi School of Law
High Point University School of Law
Tues, Sept 26 – 4:00 PM
2000 Farrior Hall
News from Past Weeks
Looking for an opportunity, event, or involvement from a previous announcement? If it’s from our original newsletter, you can access the Newsletter 1.0 archives via the Honors Canvas course. Otherwise, check out the Honors News Archives below.