Hello, and happy Fall, everyone! I hope your semester is off to a fantastic start! You can probably tell that things are even busier than usual, but it feels like we’re finally finding our footing. This week, we’re back to our usual schedule with Honors news at the start of the week and the Compass pushing out at the end. For news, we’ve got some great updates and opportunities, so scroll down and make sure you don’t miss anything!
In this Edition
September 4: Learn Transfer Essentials
Spots still available in Fall G Honors Foundations Seminar
Club Rush September 9 and 10
Tell us about the clubs you love
Learn Transfer Essentials at Santa Fe College’s Sept. 4 Session
Santa Fe College’s Academic Advisors will provide a general overview of important transfer information on Sept. 4 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Building S, Room 221. Transferring 101 will cover the application process, key dates and deadlines, and helpful tips to ensure a successful transfer.
A Transferring 101 Open Lab will happen Sept. 10 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Building S, Room 241. Students are encouraged to drop by for an application review or to ask questions about the process.
For more details, contact academicadvisingcenter@sfcollege.edu.
Spots still available in Fall G SLS1320 Honors Foundations Seminar
Do you still need Honors Points for Fall? Looking for a great way to connect with other Honors students? Want to make an impact in our local community? Well, look no further! The Honors Foundations Seminar helps you build connections with Honors students, the SF community, and our local partners while building your Honors portfolio. There are still a few open spots, but these are closing soon, so sign up now!
Club Rush September 9 and 10
Interested in joining an SF club, participating in club meetings, or just curious to know more information? 50+ student organizations and clubs provide opportunities to connect with other students and to develop leadership skills at SF!
September 9 and 10, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., in the Oak Grove
Tell Us About the Clubs You Love
The work you do in your classes and academic efforts is impressive, but it's only a part of what the Honors community has to offer. Many honors students serve as members and leaders of clubs, both on and off campus. Next week (September 9 and 10) is Club Rush, when many SF clubs and organizations have the opportunity to advertise who they are and what they do. Next Monday, I'll publish an Honors Club Rush Guide, that highlights the clubs and organizations that SF students contribute to and lead, as well as those that Honors students have found rewarding in the past. If you are a part of a group that you would like me to highlight in the Guide, just let me know by Sunday evening and I'll be sure it gets included. You can reply to the announcement with a comment below or send me a message. Either way, be sure to include:
The name of the group or groups.
A description of what they do and what makes them awesome.
Any criteria to be involved with the group.
How interested students can be involved.
Whether the group will be participating in rush next week and, if so, how we can find you.
Thank you, everyone, for what you contribute to the SF and Honors communities.