Happy Tuesday, everyone! The Monday Edition is a day late this week, but we’ve got some excellent stuff for you to look out for.
SF Honors Needs Your Support - SF Open House
SF is hosting the biggest recruitment event of the year on Saturday, March 23, and we need your help! On that Saturday, thousands of families will come from across the country to learn what SF has to offer. Many of you have already volunteered to support SF by staffing information stations, but the Honors Program also needs your support. Luckily, there are several ways to connect with potential SF students and encourage to be involved with our program. Spread your passion for Honors by taking part in tabling, share your experiences in an Honors info session, and answer questions from new and prospective Honors students. If you’re interested in learning more, click the button below to register for volunteering with Honors for Open House.
Planning for Summer and Fall
For the first time ever, this semester SF Honors students will have access to Advance Registration, meaning that you can pick your schedule for Summer and Fall on March 28, a week earlier than nearly any other student on campus. Soon, we’ll publish the schedule of Honors courses for the coming Summer and Fall 2024 semesters, but now is the perfect time to begin planning which classes you’ll take for these terms. The best way to set up a plan for success is to meet with your advisor in the Academic Advisement Center. Log into eSantaFe now to find your advisor and set up a time to meet.
If you are planning to transfer to UF in the future, now is also an excellent time to plan on meeting with an advisor from your intended plan of study. Contact the UF@SF Center for information on when UF advisors will be visiting to meet with prospective transfer students.
Preparing for Graduation
Planning to graduate Spring or Summer this year? Keep your eyes open for announcements next week about applying for Honors graduation, calclulating your points, and building your Honors Portfolio.
NEW Honors Workshops Coming After Spring Break
Not sure how many points you have or how to build your portfolio? Unsure of how to get involved? Loving your classes but looking for other ways to get involved? Look for workshops coming in the second half of the semester focused on building your Honors involvement, calculating your points, and building a strong Honors Portfolio.