Updated course registration link
Hi everyone. Earlier today, I realized that yesterday’s Honors Hub Update post contained the wrong link for course registration. The post has been updated with the correct link, but you can also find the corrected version of the registration update below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
- Professor Keith
Register for Courses Now
Happy Wednesday, everyone! This week, we’ve got some really exciting news—we’re getting ready to welcome nearly 200 new Honors Students for the Fall semester. This means we’re going to have a ton of new community members with whom to connect, work, hang out, learn, and mentor. It also means that seats are going to fill up for Summer and Fall Honors courses. If you’re planning to take an Honors class—or several—you’ll want to get registered *now*.
Registering is easy: Just submit an Honors Registration Request. You can look at the schedule below to see which classes we’re offering and review your degree audit in eSantaFe or meet with your academic advisor to figure out which ones work best for you. Then, complete your Registration Request for Honors classes and we’ll get you in. Just be sure to take care of any holds on your SF account ahead of time so your registration isn’t delayed.