Welcome back, everyone! I hope you’re as excited as I am to kick off the new year, start a new semester, and continue our excellent work together. We’ve got some really fantastic classes going this term and exciting things happening in Honors this semester! The Honors Newsletter will return from hibernation later this week, but for now I just wanted to say “Happy new year” and share a few important updates:
Honors Office Hours:
Below, you’ll find the Honors Program’s office hours for the spring. For now, all hours are drop-in and in-person. If you have a pressing issue and can’t come during office hours, send me an email at ryan.keith@sfcollege.edu or make use of one of the resources below. Chances are, we can fix things quickly via email, but we can also set up an appointment, if necessary.
Dropping and Adding Classes:
This week is all about learning how things are going to go. Between syllabus reviews, learning how long a commute takes, and your experiences in class, it’s completely natural that you may want to change your schedule. You can add and drop classes through eSantaFe, but pay attention to the dates below:
Wednesday, January 10: Last day to add classes.
Friday, January 12: Last day to drop classes.
Advising Resources:
Many of you are making decisions about whether to keep, add, or drop classes right now, and a huge part of that process is understanding what you need for your degree at SF, what transfer requirements you need to plan for, and what you may need for pre-professional coursework. Luckily, SF has some excellent resources to help you out!
Advising in the Academic Advisement Center
Professional advisors in the Academic Advisement Center can help you select your classes, understand your degree requirements, and plan your academic track toward graduation and beyond! You can find your advisor in the AAC in R-201 or visit https://sfcollege.edu/advisement for more information.
Advising at Your Anticipated Transfer School
Often, the best resource for understanding which classes to take as you plan for transfer is an advisor at the school you plan to attend. They can give you the best and most up-to-date information about transfer requirements, program prerequisites, and preparing for transfer. If you plan to attend UF, take a look at the schedule below for information on when UF advisors will be at the UF@SF Center.